Design reviews continue for developing the mailer product: visual styles, grid structures, and color tones | ARTS-3333 Meeting-10 & 11, 2/20 & 2/22 , 2023 (Week-6)

Posted by: Ping

Class Meeting-10: Feb. 20, Monday, 2023, 4:45 – 7:25 PM (Week-6)
Class Meeting-11: Feb. 20, Wednesday, 2023, 4:45 – 7:25 PM (Week-6)

Zoom Link for the Class Meeting (for sharing screen and generating video recording)
Meeting ID: 314 694 9266
Course Syllabus:

Topic: Design reviews continue for developing the mailer product: visual styles, grid structures, and color tones

Project-1A: BRM Design & Prepress |
The Brief: Design a double-sided business reply mail with a concertina fold using Adobe InDesign
Project-1B: Newsletter Design & Prepress |
The Brief: Design a double-sided newsletter using Adobe Illustrator and create a mock up layout in Photoshop
Project-1C: Event Mailer Design & Prepress |
The Brief: Design a double-sided event mailer using Adobe Illustrator and create a mock up layout in Photoshop
Print Design Layouts Using Grids & Folds
Typographic rules for the mailer product designs & visual styles in Graphic Design
Creating toning image designs for the mailer product
Call for Entries: UDA-SSL 2023 International Logo Design Competition, Seoul (2/13)
Click the underlined text link to download the entry form