Covid Protocols | January 28, 2022

Posted by: Ping

What should I do if my student/student employee has tested positive for COVID-19 or is experiencing COVID-like symptoms?

  • First, instruct your student to go or stay home and refrain from accessing any UTRGV campus or off-campus facilities.
  • Then, instruct them to complete the Preliminary COVID-19 Screening Form if they have not yet done so.
  • Next, organize a plan to help the student complete their academic requirements/assignments and/or job duties. Your student will not be allowed to return to in-person classes/activities until they have been released by the UTRGV COVID-19 Response Team. Due to privacy laws, it is each student’s responsibility to remain in contact with you about their case, though they are not required to share certain health information.

What should I do if I tested positive for COVID-19 or am experiencing COVID-like symptoms?

  • Stay home and DO NOT access any UTRGV campus or off-campus facilities.
  • Complete the Preliminary COVID-19 Screening Form if you have not yet done so.
  • You will receive a call from the UTRGV COVID-19 Response Team who will investigate the case and identify any close contacts.
  • Depending on when you tested positive or when your symptoms started and what kind of test it was (PCR or rapid antigen test), you may be directed to re-test or get tested.
  • If testing is needed, the UTRGV COVID-19 Response Team will refer you to a UT Health RGV testing site and expedite your testing process.
  • Communicate your situation with your supervisor/department chair especially if it affects your ability to fulfill work responsibilities.
  • You will not be allowed to return to in-person classes/activities until you have been released by the UTRGV COVID-19 Response Team.

Am I allowed to ask students if they’ve tested positive for COVID-19 or ask for proof of diagnosis?

No. While you can require the standard medical clearance documentation and/or documentation from the UTRGV COVID-19 Response Team that a student was sick and unable to attend class, you cannot ask a student for proof of a positive COVID-19 test or diagnosis. There are other illnesses that a student may have besides COVID-19 and other reasons for excused absences, including absences for official university activities. If an absence is excused, students should be given an opportunity to complete the missed assignments, quizzes/examinations or other class work and provided a reasonable time after the absence to do so.

Is UTRGV doing anything to help increase vaccination rates within the campus community?

Yes. Last week, UTRGV launched an incentive program that rewards students $100 if they have received their booster/3rd dose and report their status on the UTRGV Vaccine Portal. So far, more than 4,000 students have reported receiving their booster/3rd dose and another 1,600 have requested appointments to get boosted. For more information on the student incentive program, click here.

Additionally, we are finalizing the plans for an employee booster/3rd dose incentive program that will launch very soon.

Where can I find additional FAQs about UTRGV protocols and operations? 

All updates to campus operations, including FAQs about COVID-19 vaccines, testing, and university protocols can be found at