ARTS-4333 Final Exam Meeting: 4:45 – 7:25 PM, Monday, 12/2/2024
Zoom Link for Sharing Screen:
Meeting ID: 314 694 9266
Course Syllabus:
Project Brief-2: Infographic Design:
Submission Instruction for the Infographic Project
- Convert PDF to JPG:
• Convert your Illustrator-generated infographic layout from PDF to JPG format.
• Ensure the JPG file has 300 DPI resolution and is in RGB color mode. - Upload to Flickr:
• Upload the infographic image to your personal photostream on Flickr.
• Add the uploaded image to the following Flickr group: - Behance Project:
• Create a new Behance project and upload your infographic to it.
• Copy the Behance project link and paste it into the description field of your Flickr project page.