Gallery Walk for Cross Connections 2024 at IMAS | ARTS-4334 Class Meeting-3: 9/4, 2024 (Week-2)

Posted by: Ping

Class Meeting-3: September 4, Wednesday, 2024, 2:30 – 4:30 PM (Week-2)
Class Meeting Location: International Museum of Art & Science

ARTS-4334 Course Syllabus:
Project Brief-1A: Brand Identity Design

International Museum of Art & Science
1900 W. Nolana Ave. McAllen, TX 78504

A successful gallery walk for college design students should foster engagement, creativity, and constructive feedback. Students should thoughtfully review works submitted from around the world, explaining how these designs inspire them and influence their own creative process. Encourage feedback that highlights both strengths and areas for improvement in each favorite work they selected, promoting an open exchange of ideas. Ultimately, the walk will build confidence, sharpen critical thinking, and celebrate diverse creative expressions.

  1. Create a Folder: On your desktop, create a folder named “CC-2024 Gallery Walk.”
  2. Image Selections:
  • Save ten images in this folder, representing your top ten selections, or list URLs of the works for your selections in the Word document.
  • Include 3 faculty entries and 7 student entries.
  • If you’re unsure whether a work is by a student or faculty member, please visit the exhibition website:

3. Write Descriptions for Print-based Selections:

  • Create a Word document in the same folder.
  • Provide a 100-word description for each selection, explaining why you chose those top three faculty works and top seven student works.

4. Write Descriptions for Screen-Based Selections:

  • Select your top five screen-based entries by saving five weblocs from Vimeo into a “Screen-Based Selection” subfolder within your “Gallery Walk” folder.
  • Provide a 100-word description for each selection, explaining why you chose those top two faculty videos and top three student videos.
    Use this link for reference:

5. Submit Your Assignment:

  • Compress the “CC-2024 Gallery Walk” folder into a ZIP file.
  • Submit the ZIP file on Blackboard.

Week-2 Topics:

  1. Gallery Walk – Research for World Design Trends (9/4)
  2. Sketch Design Self-Review (Homework: 9/7-8):
    > 10 sketches (pencil sketches or digital sketchers) for symbol-oriented logos with the same topic (Due 9/9)
    > 10 digital sketches for typography-oriented logos with the same topic (Due 9/9)
    Tip: Choose 10 impressive display fonts and showcase your word mark using each of them.