Finalist Award from UTRGV at the 2023 London International Creative Competition (LICC-2023)

Posted by: Ping

Since its inception in 2006, the London International Creative Competition (LICC) has recognized and rewarded the world’s most innovative and forward-thinking creative talents. These artists and designers, united by their exceptional qualities rather than conventional methods, work across diverse formats, genres, and industries, producing visually striking and impactful works of art and design. LICC seeks work that is essential and compelling, not formulaic. This year, LICC received over five thousand entries worldwide, awarding 54 shortlist awards, 20 finalist awards, and over 100 official selections. For the 2023 competition, I submitted five logos, one social media ad, and one poster campaign, earning one shortlist award, one finalist award, and five official selection prizes.

Work Title: DCNE-2023 Instagram Ad
Client: The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley (UTRGV)
Prize-1: Finalist Award in Illustrate (graphic), 2023 London International Creative Competition (LICC)
Prize-2: Official Selection of LICC-2023
Graphic Designer: Ping Xu

Work Description:
Discover the transformative study abroad program, Digital Cultural Narratives in Europe (DCNE), exclusively for UTRGV students. Join the UTRGV School of Art & Design in this enticing opportunity to explore Europe’s rich cultural heritage. My social media ad, designed through digital illustration, captures the essence of this program, inviting you to embark on an enriching journey of personal and academic growth. As the faculty leader of the DCNE program and a visual communication design educator, I created this campaign not only to recruit students for DCNE-2023 but also as a design project for submission to international and national design competitions.