ARTS-4388 & ARTS-6387 Assignment-3: Digital Cultural Narratives in Cambridge

Posted by: Ping


This assignment aims to develop your ability to capture and interpret the complex relationship between a historical institution and its surrounding community through visual media. You will explore the distinct and interconnected elements of Cambridge University and the city of Cambridge, highlighting their historical, cultural, and architectural interplay.

Assignment Overview

You are required to visit Cambridge and document the relationship between the university and the city. Focus on the contrasts and connections between the academic and communal aspects of Cambridge, considering historical context and modern influences. Your goal is to produce a series of high-quality images and videos that provide a visual narrative of this dynamic relationship.

Key Areas of Focus

  1. Historical and Architectural Elements:
    • Capture the architectural styles that distinguish university buildings from the rest of the city.
    • Highlight historical landmarks and their significance.
  2. Cultural and Social Interactions:
    • Document scenes that illustrate the interaction between university students and local residents.
    • Capture events or locations that showcase the blend or clash of university and city life.
  3. Connections to London:
    • Identify and document influences from London on Cambridge, particularly in terms of architectural styles, cultural trends, or historical ties.

Technical Requirements

  1. Photography:
    • Use a DSLR or mirrorless camera with manual settings.
    • Submit a series of 10 high-resolution images that capture various aspects of the assignment focus.
    • Edit photos to enhance visual impact while maintaining authenticity.
  2. Videography:
    • Use a high-definition video camera or a camera with video capabilities.
    • Create a 3-5 minute video montage that narrates the relationship between Cambridge University and the city of Cambridge.
    • Use techniques such as panning, zooming, and time-lapse to add dynamism.
    • Edit videos to include background music and/or narration that explains your visual narrative.

Submission Guidelines

  1. Photographs:
    • Submit in JPEG format.
    • Include a brief description (approximately 100 words) for each photo explaining the composition and significance.
  2. Videos:
  3. Portfolio:
    • Compile your work into a digital portfolio.
    • Include an introduction and conclusion summarizing your creative process and reflections on the assignment.

Evaluation Criteria

  1. Technical Quality: Sharpness, exposure, and use of photographic/videographic techniques.
  2. Creativity: Originality and artistic expression in capturing the sites.
  3. Storytelling: Ability to convey the historical and cultural essence through visual media.
  4. Presentation: Organization and professionalism of the digital portfolio.


  • Camera equipment and accessories
  • Photo and video editing software
  • Access to historical and cultural sites (ensure you have necessary permissions)

Tips for Success

  • Visit key locations within Cambridge University and the city at different times of the day to capture various lighting conditions.
  • Research the historical and cultural background of each site to inform your visual narrative.
  • Experiment with different angles and perspectives to add depth to your work.
  • Review and refine your work based on feedback and self-assessment.