ARTS-4388 & ARTS-6387: Assignment-1: Know Your Camera

Posted by: Ping


The aim of this assignment is to help students become familiar with their camera’s manual mode. By the end of this assignment, students should have a solid understanding of how to control manual white balance, shutter speed, aperture, and ISO settings to achieve desired photographic results. For different camera modes, please refer to YouTube and find specific tutorials about how to use the manual mode, Aperture Priority, Shutter Priority, White Balance, and ISO settings.


  1. Manual Mode Exploration:
    • Switch your camera to manual mode.
    • Spend time exploring the various settings and options available in manual mode.
  2. Manual White Balance:
    • Learn how to adjust the white balance manually on your camera.
    • Experiment with different white balance settings in various lighting conditions (e.g., daylight, tungsten, fluorescent).
    • Capture a series of photos demonstrating the effects of different white balance settings.
  3. Shutter Speed:
    • Understand the concept of shutter speed and its impact on exposure and motion blur.
    • Experiment with different shutter speeds in various lighting conditions and moving subjects.
    • Capture a series of photos showcasing the effects of different shutter speeds (e.g., freezing action with a fast shutter speed, creating motion blur with a slow shutter speed).
  4. Aperture:
    • Understand the concept of aperture and its impact on depth of field and exposure.
    • Experiment with different aperture settings in various lighting conditions and subject distances.
    • Capture a series of photos demonstrating the effects of different apertures (e.g., shallow depth of field with a large aperture, deep depth of field with a small aperture).
  5. ISO Settings:
    • Understand the concept of ISO and its impact on exposure and image noise.
    • Experiment with different ISO settings in various lighting conditions.
    • Capture a series of photos demonstrating the effects of different ISO settings (e.g., low ISO in bright light for minimal noise, high ISO in low light for better exposure but increased noise).
  6. Photo Review and Analysis:
    • Select the best photos from your experiments with white balance, shutter speed, aperture, and ISO settings.
    • Write a brief analysis for each selected photo, explaining the settings used and the effects achieved.
  7. Submission:

Capture and upload the following:

  • Five photographic shots via Aperture Priority with ISO 200 and either F2.8 or F6.5.
  • Five photographic shots via Shutter Speed Priority with ISO 400 and either F8 or F11.
  • Five photographic shots via Manual Mode with manual white balance and manual ISO.

Research and Tutorials:

  • Search for and watch YouTube tutorials specific to your camera model and modes:
    • Manual Mode
    • Aperture Priority
    • Shutter Priority
    • White Balance
    • ISO Settings

Evaluation Criteria:

  • Understanding and application of manual white balance, shutter speed, aperture, and ISO settings.
  • Quality and creativity of the photographs.
  • Clarity and insightfulness of the written analyses.
  • Overall effort and engagement with the assignment.


  • Camera manual
  • Online tutorials (e.g., YouTube, photography blogs)
  • Class notes and lectures: Ask me questions