Art-420: Introducing Brackets 1.1

Posted by: Ping

Brackets is a modern and open source text editor that understands web design.

Adobe Edge Code is a lightweight code editor for web developers and designers working with HTML, CSS & JavaScript. Built to work with browsers, it speeds up development time by displaying changes to the code directly on screen. Adobe was discontinuing development of Edge Code on November 2014, and transitioning to Brackets, a lightweight text editor with the same functionalities and features as Edge Code. So Edge Code is now Brackets!

The new features in Brackets 1.1:

  1. Quick Edit
  2. In-context code editing
  3. Code hinting for CSS, HTML, and JavaScript
  4. Integrated visual tools for color editing
  5. Expand editing with Edge Inspect, PhoneGap Build, Edge Web Fonts and Kuler
  6. HTML live development, including live preview
  7. Create new selector – allows adding new rules to CSS
  8. CSS Bezier Timing Editor