Letter by Letter Animation: Twist Effect in Flash CC | Art-341

Posted by: Ping

Click to view the Twist Effect

  1. Open the file “twist.fla
  2. Cmd J: 320 X 240 / Change the background color to Black
  3. Open Library: Drag the logo onto the stage / Cmd K
  4. Select Align to Stage, and Center the logo horizontally and vertically
  5. Rename the layer to Shape
  6. Double-click the layer icon of the layer to have Layer Properties box: Select Guide / OK
  7. Lock the layer, then get a new layer, and name it text
  8. Select the T tool, type twist / size 70 / Color Orange
  9. Cmd B twice to break the text apart
  10. Select the text layer: Modify > Transform > Envelope
  11. Adjust the text to fix the logo shape, then hide the logo shape layer
  12. Cmd+Shift A to deselect all, select each letter individually, and F8 to convert letters to symbol one by one, Type: Graphic / Registration: Center for each letter
  13. Cmd A, Modify > Timeline > Distribute to Layers, then delete the text layer
  14. Select the frame 30 of the top layer, and hold down shift key to select frame 30 of the bottom layer: F6
  15. Go back to frame 1 by clicking on it
  16. Cmd A, then go to Properties panel / Color Effect menu: Alpha: 0
    (Outline all letters will let you see all invisible letters)
  17. Zoom out 50% until you can see the entire stage, and select all first frames to drag all letters above to upper left corner into the grey area
  18. Cmd T (Window > Transform) to skew the letters:
    Skew Horizontally: 95 / Skew Vertically: -150
  19. Select the 1st frame on each layer, Insert Classic Tween
  20. Rotate to CW (Clockwise) / Easy: 100
  21. Drag the letter w two frames later, and do the same for each other letter
  22. Add regular frames to every layer to frame 40
  23. Choose Onion Skin to preview, then test the effect

Final Effect: http://pxstudio.us/workshop/twist.html