A-420 / Project-2:
Dreamweaver Workbook

Posted by: Ping

Objective Build a web site to achieve the following : 1. To create web pages by using Adobe Dreamweaver CS5. 2. To learn web site construction and management. 3. To learn CSS rules in the Dreamweaver environment. 4. To learn other software like Illustrator, Photoshop, that assist in building web pages. 5. To upload the […]

Page Layout Using AP Div

Posted by: Ping

AP Div stands for Absolute Positioned Div. Earlier we used table tags to layout a page. Let’s learn a more advanced layout technique, page layout using AP divs, through the following exercise. In this exercise, you need: 1. create an HTML page with a header, a main content area, and a sidebar using AP divs. […]

How XHTML code is different from HTML

Posted by: Ping

XHTML code has only minor differences from HTML. For using XHTML, you must follow the following rules: • Must use an XHTML document type at the top of the file • All tags must be in lowercase • All tags must have a close tag • All attributes must have quotes • If tags do […]

Which should you use, HTML or XHTML?

Posted by: Ping

“The answer is to use whichever you prefer. It’s just a personal preference. Regardless of which you use, the resulting web page will work the same. There are no functional differences between HTML and XHTML. While XHTML is newer, it’s not better, and it doesn’t have any new features. Because there were no advantages for […]

Introduction to Tables

Posted by: Ping

Web table is a tool to help control the web page layout. This means positioning text and elements on the page without having to fight the re-sizing of the browser window. Positioning of elements is nearly 100% stable with the use of tables. Table let you align elements into rows and columns. The <table> tag […]

Graphics for the Web

Posted by: Ping

Graphics images that will become a part of a web document. It will be prepared as a “GIF image”, or a “JPEG” image. The name “GIF” stands for Graphics Interchange Format. It is a bitmap image format that was introduced by CompuServe in 1987 and has since come into widespread usage on the World Wide […]

A-420 Project-1: HTML Code

Posted by: Ping

What is HTML? HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language. It is a standardized system for tagging text-based information in World Wide Web. HTML History Vannevar Bush first proposed the basics of hypertext in 1945. Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web, HTML (HeperText Markup Language), HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol) and URLs (Universal Resource Locators) in […]