Dreamweaver Workbook


Full-Screen Background Images

Full-screen background images are nothing new in web design, but the ways in which we can achieve this effect have changed and improved as our industry has progressed. Additionally, the whole responsive web design movement has put even more emphasis on the need for dynamic websites – using dynamically resizing background images in your website designs can be a great solution to this need. Let’s look at 4 different solutions for full page background images, starting with a CSS-only solution and moving into a few different jQuery-powered solutions. All of these solutions are free, well-documented and relatively easy to implement, too!

CSS3 Method

You gotta love when you can solve a problem solely by using CSS. The CSS3 spec has a new property, titled background-size. We can use this to our advantage when creating full-screen background image websites by setting its value to cover.

Browser Support: This is the main downside – Internet Explorer doesn’t recognize background-size below IE9. Modern browsers are good though.

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