Heading Tags

this is Heading 6
this is Heading 5

this is Heading 4

this is Heading 3

this is Heading 2

this is Heading 1

Ordered List

The "ol" tag defines an ordered list. An ordered list can be numerical or alphabetical. Use the "li" tag to define list items.

  1. Coffee
  2. Tea
  3. Milk

Unordered List

The ul tag defines an unordered (bulleted) list. Use the ul tag together with the li tag to create unordered lists..

Paragraph Tag

Paragraph TAG sets type like this. It will not obey carrige returns. One space is allowed between words, characters and punctuation. Multiple spaces will be reduced to one space. In order to start a new paragraph you must...

end the paragraph tag and start another.

Preformated Text Tag

 You can     do anything YOU 
           want with this TAG.

   I    Really mean It.

Don't believe me? Do ya.

Line Break

A line break is like a single space return on a tradition typewriter. Unlike the return at the end of a paragraph tag (closing tag) where the next line is equivalent to a double space return.

New Paragraph.
Line Break. Note the distance between this line and the New Paragraph line. Compare this to the distance between the New Paragraph line and the paragraph above it. There should be more space.


Horizontal Rule

The horizontal rule acts as a divider. The design of the rule is simply to divide content. Graphics and text do not touch the rule. Rule control is done by adjusting the pixel height or size, the width of the rule and its alignment ( no alignment will automaticly align left.)

Text Styles and Attributes

The Font Tag allows you to specifies text font, size, and color in HTML4, but it is not supported in HTML5. You may use CSS to control the text styles and attributes.

The Bold tagMakes type Bold

The Italics Tag Turns text into italics

Control the color of Text---Type

Control the size (settings range by the value of pixel)---Type---this is 7.

Change the font itself

Type as Helvetica

Type as Times