TO DO: Go hard

So you want to have a vacation so rugged it makes the rest of your life seem like a vacation. The Tetons are the perfect place for this. You can hike, bike, and climb.

Ahhh—hiking in Jackson Hole. You’ve got so many choices. Even if you were given a decade, you probably couldn’t hike everything. I’ve lived here for almost 20 years and I still discover great new hikes every summer. But if you’re just passing through and only have a couple of days, here are the Top 10 Hikes in Jackson Hole and Grand Teton National Park (with one Yellowstone entry) that you simply cannot miss. Some are hard, others short. Some require nights out on the trail. Others can be done before breakfast. All are, for one reason or another, awesome.

If you're planning to go out on an adventure, correct planning is crucial. If it's your first trip, talk to one our rangers first.

Hiking in Grand Teton National Park can be a challenging experience due to the rugged nature of the landscape, including high elevation, steep trails and extreme and sudden weather changes. Be sure to download the hiking brochure (or hiking brochure in Spanish) for suggested hikes and safety recommendations. For scenic hikes around lakes such as Phelps, Jenny, Leigh and Taggart download the lakeshore hikes brochure (or lakeshore hikes in Spanish). Also, stop by a visitor center to talk to a ranger about recent trail conditions or view the Jenny Lake Climbing Rangers blog.

This site is not real, but you should still go to the Tetons. Created by Group D.